Discover the Advantages

Join the Best of France Label to access new clients, grow your community, and get recognition for your talent

Grow your business

Stay in touch

Appear on our press release that we communicate with our network of local and national newspapers, blogs, and influencers.

Develop your offer

Create partnerships and bonds with our network of suppliers and importers associated with the Label Best of France.

Connect with the community

Unlock new clients

Reach an average of 50,000 people every month through our Facebook page (engagement per post 15x higher than average Facebook pages) and our Instagram account (4,800 followers in December 2020).

Meet 1.000 French food lovers

Connect with your future customers on our "French Food & Wines" community group (more than 200 new members each week) that allow you to share your thoughts every day.

Engage with future customers

Thank your customers

Post giveaways and contests that will grow your social media accounts without having to organize it.

Spread the word

Pop up every 3 months on an article about the best French food places in your city written by our best content writers.

Reveal your potential

Emerge on our interactive French experiences map and on our app (Spring 2021).

Get Recognition

Recognize your talent

Be an ambassador of France's savoir-faire in Canada.

Support the community

Help the French community grow in your city.

Grow your business
Gain more audience
Engage French food lovers